I just ordered a ton of mats from a lovely guy in NY ( http://www.precutmats.com/). He says they might even arrive tomorrow, which would be swell. I'm fretting a bit about this show. This is my first time...
There's probably no way in hell I'll make my 100 paintings goal, but I do need to get as many finished as I can. I also need to get some prints matted and ready to go. I ordered "show packs" from Pre Cut Mats, that is, the mat, a backing board and a clear sleeve for the finished, matted picture to live in. It seemed like a good deal and he gave me a discount which was greatly appreciated.
You wouldn't know it but I hate this last minute crap. Last night was a disaster sleep-wise so I'm not sure how much I'll get done today. I need to finish my painting of Lucy the Elephant and see if I can't get 5 or 6 more 8 x 10" pieces done. I also want to do a large size egret and maybe something more whimsical - perhaps a mermaid surrounded by the little cartoon like sea critters I did earlier.
Ok, back to work. These pastels aren't going to paint themselves.
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