Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My Peeps Need to Vote for My PEEPS

"Peep-Bunn-Tiki: The Secret of Easter Island" was chosen as a finalist in the 2011 Washington Post Peeps Show V. You can see it on the WP website and it will appear in this weekend's WP Magazine.

YOU can help Bunn-Tiki win the popular vote.




Can you hear the little marshmallow bunnies chanting? If you can, if you feel the power of The Bunny, go to the Washington Post website and vote for "Peep-Bunn-Tiki" as your favorite.

Don't let that little yellow Peep be sacrificed in vain.

Monday, April 04, 2011

Block of Art 2011

The rumors are true. The reclusive, L A Mestishen (that's me) will be making a rare public appearance at Block of Art on Saturday, April 9, all day at the Ramada in Pottsville, Pa. Ooooh, that makes it sound a bit racy, doesn't it? I'll be doing demos all day at the Ramada Hotel.

(Please hear me saying that with a slight Cockney accent.)

Block of Art is a three day event starting Friday, April 8th and continuing through Sunday, April 10th. It showcases musicians, film-makers, fine-artists and crafts-people as well as local eateries.

I'm looking forward to hearing Soji O play in person, and seeing Stephen Pytek's new short film. I'll also be stopping by the Historical Society's building on North Centre Street, just down from the Greystone Restaurant, to take another look at the Frank Wyso exhibit. You can find more information about all the programming happening at the Historical Society both during Block of Art and throughout the year at

And, no, at the moment I haven't the slightest idea what my subject will be. I'll be painting with the Terry Ludwig pastels, that's for certain, but I'm not sure what I'll be painting. Maybe I can find a willing victim to pose for me? Or I can start winnowing down that "to do" list.

See you on Saturday or (gasp!) you might even catch a glimpse of my Friday night at the opening.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Art of the Flower Exhibit

My pastel "Cherry Blossoms" was accepted for the Philadelphia Sketch Club's "Art of the Flower" exhibit. Initially, I wasn't pleased with the piece and almost didn't bother framing it. Just goes to show that I never can tell what jurors are going to like.

The opening is on Sunday.

The Philadelphia Sketch Club recently celebrated it's 150th anniversary. It is America's oldest continuing arist organization.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

MainLining It

"Just Desserts: Judith with the Head of Holofernes" received an honorable mention at the Main Line Art Center's "There's Always Room For Dessert" show which opened Feb 5th. The guest juror was Patrick Gauthron, former first pastry chef for Le Bec Fin, and owner of Aux Petite Delices in Wayne. MLAC Executive Director, Judy Herman was a gracious host and made me and Susan Biebuyck, both of us "out-of-town" artists, feel very welcome. Sue got third place for her "Dozen Donuts with Jelly Smear".

"Judith" made the front page of the Main Line Times' "People" section managing to edge her way into two picks on the page. I was tragically captured on film as well, wearing an unfortunate striped ensemble. You'd think, being an artist, I would have known better. Then again, I didn't expect to make the paper.

Let that be a lesson to me.

Always be prepared to make the front page. (Just in case.)

Yesterday, I attended the opening of the Daylesford Abbey's 39th Annual Art Show which was, as usual, a lovely event. The committee does a fantastic job organizing and hanging this large show, and the Abbey provides a great backdrop for a wide range of styles and mediums.

This afternoon, I headed into Philly for the Artists' Reception at the 3rd Street Gallery show. It was mobbed. I don't know why I expected otherwise. Nestled on 2nd Street in the Old City section near the Arden theatre, the 3rd Street Gallery is part of the thriving art community in downtown Philadelphia. The artwork was varied in both style and skill level but, for an open show, remarkably high quality. There were so many people it was a challenge to navigate through the gallery and view the work. But that's how it should be - dozens of people clambering to get a look at new art.